excerpt ....by antoinette nora claypoole....

the old Rivers in her Eyes, was revised, rereleased
and  now entitled

blue, like Night Sky (2013, Wild Embers Press)

and is available
on amazon.com
and bookstores, everywhere. 

from Part One...."Winter Before Years were Counted"

"We are not a National Monument showing signs of what the death walk does. Today yes Lily there was a haze as we drove home. The San Francisco peaks were only outlines. The raspy air has tried to eat away their existence. You and me we are like maybe a mountain in resistance. 

We bleed as woman...

 Not into a tissue from my nose. I want the crossroads to be an omen. Of all we can create. With all that's been destroyed. I will be resilient as the Earth. Who is still patient with the blunderings of humans. Trusting something paradise will rise. From the rubble of this mercenary quest. This surely they must jest. 

As raspberry leaf in my sun tea jar. Sometimes I float. Sometimes I sink. 
There is water woven into all of this.

I can see Lily is travelling back to dreams. She talks to me like baby sleeping. "Raspberries may not grow here Mae Ellen I know the names of local medicines once I was a medicine myself. But a man was in the garden right in front of me pulling stubborn grass and weeds from his herb bed laying plastic---black plastic--in the Earth. Does he know he stifles her I want a man like an old Indian or maybe one of your Irish guys who understands what bleeding means who understands how some things are never best left unsaid and blood means life. Not taking it now that the black plastic man is gone there is a tiny bit of morning song a river somewhere full." 

"Lily we are longing to be where we can. Stay long. I want to heal. Want stories to be antidote to bites of rattlesnaking ways a world has tried to slay the Goddess. I want to bleed with every moon. Forever. Not for anybody's sins. Only for the Pleasure and mystery of giving parts of me away. Like the moon. Starting newness all over again. Look how a hummingbird can fly. Before you even know it. Another month goes by." 

Drifting back to sleep Lily and I. We are a wellspring. Of things we didn't know we knew." --this is from a dialogue between Lily, a Dine woman born at Big Mountain, Az and Mae Ellen, a white chick from back East....xox by antoinette nora claypoole

all People are One
copyright 2011


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